The 3rd Research Meeting (2023) of “Research on Moderate Islam in the Non-Arab World” was held

The 3rd  Research Meeting (2023) of “Research on Moderate Islam in the Non-Arab World: From the Cases of Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey (22H00034, JSPS)” (“Moderate Islam”) was held as follows:

Date: February 4th Sunday, 2024
Venue: Lecture Room [AA415], 4th floor, Research Bldg. No. 2, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
ARAI Kazuhiro (Keio University)”Habib Umar and Moderate Islam in Indonesia”

MISAWA  Nobuo (Toyo University) ” Examinations of ‘Moderate Islam / ılımlı İslam’ in Turkey”

TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto University) “Fieldwork Report in Turkey, August 2023”

Reports is here