2018年1月21-22日 SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminarを開催しました

京都大学ケナン・リファーイー・スーフィズム研究センターは、京都大学イスラーム地域研究センター(KIAS)、上智大学イスラーム研究センター(SIAS)と共催でSIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2018 “Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Other Related Subjects Including Graduate Student Presentations”を下記の通り開催しました。

【場所】東洋大学 熱海研修センター

January 21: 13:00-18:00
(13:00-13:15) Opening Remarks: TONAGA Yasushi (KIAS, Kyoto University)

Part 1: Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Related Subjects

(13:15-13:50) Pierre-Jean LUIZARD (EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“Damascus and Cairo: Two Heads of Hussein for Two Kinds of Worship”

(13:50-14:15) KONDO Fumiya (Ph.D. student, SGPAS, Sophia University)
“Mawlid Dolls of Egypt in Terms of “Religious Commodities”: A Preliminary Study”

(14:15-14:50) Thierry ZARCONE (EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“Qadamgah and Mausoleums Associated with Relics of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib in the Indo-Turko-Persian Area”

(15:00-15:35) NINOMIYA Ayako (Aoyama Gakuin University)
“Qadam-i Sharif, Mecca and Delhi: Story of a Sufi and Footprints of the Prophet Muhammad in Medieval India”

(15:35-16:10) Alexandre PAPAS (CNRS-CETOBAC)
“Kashkul: Practical Uses and Doctrinal Meanings of a Sufi Relic”

(16:10-16:45) TAKAHASHI Kei (JSPS Research Fellow-RPD)
“Sufism without Tariqa: The Emergence of Muslim Third Places in the Contemporary American Muslim Community”

Part 2: Graduate Student Presentations 1

(17:00-17:30) ISHIKAWA Kido (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“The Mode of Expression of the Love in the Works of Baba Tahir”

(17:30-18:00) SUENO Takanori (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“Ibrahim Niyas’s on Sufism: From a Perspective as a Shari‘a Oriented Sufi”

January 22: 9:00-12:00
Part 3: Graduate Student Presentations 2

(9:00-9:30) YAMAZAKI Satoru (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“Syrian Civil War, Sectarianism, and the Turkish Arab `Alawis’ Struggle for Recognition”

(9:30-10:00) Kamnoush KHOSROVANI (Ph.D. student, EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“On the Path of an Exuberant Sufi Practice: An Anthropological Study of the Contemporary Female Qaderi Groups in Tehran”

Part 4: Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Related Subjects 2

(10:10-10:45) FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Research Associate of the NIHU/KIAS, Kyoto University)
“Qur’anic Interior Ornaments in Ordinary Muslims’ Space: From the Case of South Tunisia”

(10:45-11:20) YASUDA Shin (Teikyo University)
“Commodifying Religious Experiences: Islamic Tour Operators and Religious Markets in Indonesia”

(11:20-11:50) General Comments: Pierre-Jean LUIZARD, Alexandre PAPAS, and Thierry ZARCONE

(11:50-12:00) Closing Remarks: AKAHORI Masayuki (SIAS, Sophia University)

Thierry ZARCONE, TONAGA Yasushi, MISAWA Nobuo (Faculty of Social Sciences, Toyo University), AKAHORI Masayuki


高等研究実習院フランス国立科学研究センターGroupe Societes, Religions, Laicites

NIHU 地域研究推進事業「現代中東地域研究」京都大学イスラーム地域研究センター拠点


NIHU=National Institute of Humanities
ASAFAS=Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
SGPAS=Sophia Graduate Program for Area Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University

2017年5月20-21日 第一回国際シンポジウムを開催しました

京都大学ケナン・リファーイー・スーフィズム研究センター第一回国際シンポジウム “Islamic Studies and the Study of Sufism in Academia: Rethinking Methodologies”を開催しました。


2日間にわたり約120名が参加し、トルコ共和国大使館からもアフメト・ビュレント・メリチ閣下にお越しいただきました。シンポジウムの内容はYou Tubeを通して生中継され、世界に向けて最先端のスーフィズム・聖者・タリーカ研究を示すことができました。



Opening Session:
KOSUGI Yasushi (Former Dean of ASAFAS and Director of the Center for Hadhari Islamic Civilizational Studies at Kyoto University)
TONAGA Yasushi (Director of the Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University)
Cemalnur SARGUT (Founder of Kerim Foundation, Advisor to Üsküdar University Chancellor and Director of TÜRKKAD İstanbul Branch)
Mehmet KÖSE (President of Turkish Republic Prime Ministry the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities)
A. Bülent MERİÇ (Turkish Ambassador)
Keynote Speech I: TONAGA Yasushi, KOSUGI Yasushi (15 min. each)
Keynote Speech II: TU Weiming and Mahmud Erol KILIÇ (20 min. each)
Session 1
1. Carl ERNST [chair] “Orientalist Legacies and the Academic Construction of Sufism”
2. MURATA Sachiko “Sufism in Chinese”
3. Osman Nuri KÜÇÜK “The Epistemological Problem of the Contemporary Islamic Thought: Loosing Hikma (Wisdom)”
4. TONAGA Yasushi “General Tendency of Islamic and Sufi Studies in Japan”
Session 2
1. Omid SAFI [chair] “Mawlana, Mevlana, Rumi”
2. TAKAO Ken’ichiro “Sufism under Syrian Ba‘th: Ahmad Kuftaru
and His Tariqah”
3. Bruce LAWRENCE “Is adab axial or incremental to madhhab-iʻishq (Sufism)?”
4. William CHITTICK “Moses in the Religion of Love”
Closing Conference of the Project of the Bridge of Two Easts Education Program for Sufi Culture
Cangüzel Güner Zülfikar [chair] (20min.) “Searching New Horizons in Methodology of Sufi Studies”
Participants of the Program (15 min. each):
1. Kotoko MADONO
2. Qayyim Mashuk Naoki YAMAMOTO
3. Kie INOUE
4. Kazunori MATSUDA
5. Makoto SAWAI
Session 3
1. NAKANISHI Tatsuya “Ma Dexin and Ibn ‘Arabī’s Theories Regarding the Afterlife: A Chinese
Expression of Sufism during the 19th Century”
2. Ahmet Murat ÖZEL “Reading the History of Sufism from the View of the Classification of ʻIlms [Science]”
3. Juliane HAMMER “Studying American Sufism: A Reflection on Boundaries, Authenticity, and Politics”
4. James MORRIS [chair] “Teaching “Sufi” Studies in Undergraduate Settings: Religious Studies and the Liberal Arts”
Session 4
1. MORIMOTO Kazuo [chair] “Sayyido-Sharifology Twelve Years Later”
2. TAKAHASHI Kei “The Institutional Origin of the Ulama-Sufi Dichotomy in Modern Egypt”
3. NINOMIYA Ayako “Concepts of affiliation and membership of Tariqa: Medieval India’s case”
4. OGURA Satoshi “Indic Deities translated by means of the oneness of existence: in the case of Muḥammad Šāhābādī’s Persian translation of the Rājataraṅgiṇīs”
Session 5
1. MARUYAMA Daisuke “Mystic, Miracle, and Mediation: The Interpretation of the Relation between Allah
and People in Contemporary Sudanese Sufi Tariqas”
2. YASUDA Shin “Islamic Hospitality in Adab Literature (temporary)”
3. ARAI Kazuhiro [chair] “Saint Veneration in Indonesia and the Emergence of Hadrami Sada: Shaping Historical Perception by Using the Current Situation?”
4. WAZAKI Seika “Searching for “our Islam”: Sufism, tariqa and the government policies towards Islam in post-Soviet Central Asia”
Session 6
1. miriam cooke “Framing the Lives of Female Sufi Saints”
2. YAMANE So “Dual Trends of Sufi Poetry in South Asia”
3. Emine YENITERZI “Significance of Literature in Sufi Education”
4. Cemil AYDIN [chair] “Islamic Studies, Geopolitics, and Racialization of Muslims: Lessons from the 20th Century”
Concluding Session
Cemâlnur SARGUT [chair]
TONAGA Yasushi
AKAHORI Masayuki
Mahmud Erol KILIÇ



2017年3月25日 SIAS-KIAS Joint Workshop

SIAS-KIAS Joint Workshop “Ideals and Actualities in the Islamic and Christian World”を下記の通り開催いたしました。

【日時】 2017年3月25日(土)13:00-17:10
【場所】 京都大学吉田キャンパス本部構内総合研究2号館4階会議室(AA447)
Opening Session
MADONO Kotoko (Kyoto University)
Niyazi-i Misri’s Concept of Wahda al-Wujud and the Prophethood of Hasan and Husayn
SUENO Takanori (Kyoto University)
Akbarian Tradition in West Africa: The Case of Ibrahim Niyas
YAMAMOTO Saki (Ochanomizu University)
Constructing Women’s Cooperating Space in Post-colonial Algeria: A Case Study from the Movement of a Catholic Community in Kasbah
ISHIKAWA Kido (Kyoto University)
‘Defamiliarization’ in `Attar’s Mantiq al-Tayr: The Poetic Language in `Attar’s Work
MATSUDA Kazunori (Kyoto University)
Mawlid Writings in 19 Century South Asia: The Case of Shah Ahmad Sa`id Mujaddidi
YAMAMOTO Naoki (Kyoto University)
Encyclopedia and Spiritual Journey (al-Sayr wa al-Suluk): A Study of Ibrahim Hakki Erzurumi’s Ma`rifetname
General Comment by Ahmed Zildzic (Sarajevo University)

2016年10月24-25日 センター設立記念シンポジウムが開催

イスタンブル・ウスキュダル大学にて、センター設立記念シンポジウムが開催されました。これは、翌年まで続くスーフィズム教育プロジェクト「二つの東をつなぐ橋(The Bridge of Two Easts: Education Program for Sufi Culture)の皮切りとして行われたものです。日本側からは、東長靖センター長、赤堀雅幸上智大学教授、丸山大介防衛大学校准教授が発表を行いました。





2016年9月23-24日 The 11th International Conference of Asian Federation of Middle East Studies’ Associations

The 11th International Conference of Asian Federation of Middle East Studies’ Associations “World New Trends in the 21th Century and Middle East”を下記の通り開催いたしました。

【場所】Ulaanbaatar Hotel, Mongolia
TONAGA Yasushi (Kyoto University) “Towards the Asian Network of Sufi Studies:  
From the Japanese Experience”
YAMAMOTO Naoki (Kyoto University) “Ibrāhīm al-Kūrānī on Walī and Ecstatic Utterance (Shaṭḥ): Explaining “Orthodox” Taṣawwuf to Javanese Disciples”