For the comparison of Saint veneration in Islam and Christianity, field research was conducted focusing on sacred relics at Catholic churches.
June 29, 2017 A review on Bibliography was published
A review on ”Bibliography of Sufism, Tariqa, and Saint Cult Studies in Japan” and the article about the center were published on the website of Ali Vural Ak Center for Global Islamic Studies at George Mason University.
May 20-21, 2017: The center held the first international symposium
The Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University held the first international symposium “Islamic Studies and the Study of Sufism in Academia: Rethinking Methodologies”at Main Conference Room, 3rd floor, Inamori Memorial Foundation Building, Kyoto University.
The center invited 35 leading researchers as speakers who specialize in various regions and areas from Turkey, USA, China and Japan, and the researchers made presentations on Islamic Studies and the study of Sufism. Moreover, fruitful discussions with young researchers were carried out.
Over two days, about 120 people participated in the symposium and Turkish Ambassador Ahmet Bülent MERİÇ also visited. The symposium was broadcast live through You Tube and most advanced studies of Sufism, Saint Cult, and Tariqa were presented worldwide.
In addition, books on Studies of Sufism, Saint cult Tariqa in Japan, Quran translated into Japanese, and Japan-Turkey related documents were exhibited and attracted many of the participants.
Date: May 20th-21st,2017
Venue: Main Conference Room, 3rd Floor,Kyoto Unversity Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall
May 20th
Opening Session:
KOSUGI Yasushi (Former Dean of ASAFAS and Director of the Center for Hadhari Islamic Civilizational Studies at Kyoto University)
TONAGA Yasushi (Director of the Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University)
Cemalnur SARGUT (Founder of Kerim Foundation, Advisor to Üsküdar University Chancellor and Director of TÜRKKAD İstanbul Branch)
Mehmet KÖSE (President of Turkish Republic Prime Ministry the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities)
A. Bülent MERİÇ (Turkish Ambassador)
Keynote Speech I: TONAGA Yasushi, KOSUGI Yasushi (15 min. each)
Keynote Speech II: TU Weiming and Mahmud Erol KILIÇ (20 min. each)
Session 1
1. Carl ERNST [chair] “Orientalist Legacies and the Academic Construction of Sufism”
2. MURATA Sachiko “Sufism in Chinese”
3. Osman Nuri KÜÇÜK “The Epistemological Problem of the Contemporary Islamic Thought: Loosing Hikma (Wisdom)”
4. TONAGA Yasushi “General Tendency of Islamic and Sufi Studies in Japan”
Session 2
1. Omid SAFI [chair] “Mawlana, Mevlana, Rumi”
2. TAKAO Ken’ichiro “Sufism under Syrian Ba‘th: Ahmad Kuftaru
and His Tariqah”
3. Bruce LAWRENCE “Is adab axial or incremental to madhhab-iʻishq (Sufism)?”
4. William CHITTICK “Moses in the Religion of Love”
Closing Conference of the Project of the Bridge of Two Easts Education Program for Sufi Culture
Cangüzel Güner Zülfikar [chair] (20min.) “Searching New Horizons in Methodology of Sufi Studies”
Participants of the Program (15 min. each):
1. Kotoko MADONO
2. Qayyim Mashuk Naoki YAMAMOTO
3. Kie INOUE
4. Kazunori MATSUDA
5. Makoto SAWAI
May 21st
Session 3
1. NAKANISHI Tatsuya “Ma Dexin and Ibn ‘Arabī’s Theories Regarding the Afterlife: A Chinese
Expression of Sufism during the 19th Century”
2. Ahmet Murat ÖZEL “Reading the History of Sufism from the View of the Classification of ʻIlms [Science]”
3. Juliane HAMMER “Studying American Sufism: A Reflection on Boundaries, Authenticity, and Politics”
4. James MORRIS [chair] “Teaching “Sufi” Studies in Undergraduate Settings: Religious Studies and the Liberal Arts”
Session 4
1. MORIMOTO Kazuo [chair] “Sayyido-Sharifology Twelve Years Later”
2. TAKAHASHI Kei “The Institutional Origin of the Ulama-Sufi Dichotomy in Modern Egypt”
3. NINOMIYA Ayako “Concepts of affiliation and membership of Tariqa: Medieval India’s case”
4. OGURA Satoshi “Indic Deities translated by means of the oneness of existence: in the case of Muḥammad Šāhābādī’s Persian translation of the Rājataraṅgiṇīs”
Session 5
1. MARUYAMA Daisuke “Mystic, Miracle, and Mediation: The Interpretation of the Relation between Allah
and People in Contemporary Sudanese Sufi Tariqas”
2. YASUDA Shin “Islamic Hospitality in Adab Literature (temporary)”
3. ARAI Kazuhiro [chair] “Saint Veneration in Indonesia and the Emergence of Hadrami Sada: Shaping Historical Perception by Using the Current Situation?”
4. WAZAKI Seika “Searching for “our Islam”: Sufism, tariqa and the government policies towards Islam in post-Soviet Central Asia”
Session 6
1. miriam cooke “Framing the Lives of Female Sufi Saints”
2. YAMANE So “Dual Trends of Sufi Poetry in South Asia”
3. Emine YENITERZI “Significance of Literature in Sufi Education”
4. Cemil AYDIN [chair] “Islamic Studies, Geopolitics, and Racialization of Muslims: Lessons from the 20th Century”
Concluding Session
Cemâlnur SARGUT [chair]
TONAGA Yasushi
AKAHORI Masayuki
Mahmud Erol KILIÇ
May 20-21, 2017: Hosting the Kyoto Sufism Symposium
The Center will host an international symposium on research into Sufism from May 20 to 21, 2017.
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The title of the symposium will be: “The First International Symposium of the Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University: “Islamic Studies and the Study of Sufism in Academia: Rethinking Methodologies” Including the Closing Session of the Education Programme for Sufi Culture “The Bridge of Two Easts.””
It will be held on the 3rd floor of the Kyoto University Inamori Foundation Memorial Building.
( Building No. 37)
Click here for details →
May 2017: The Bridge of Cultures: Potentiality of Sufism
Jan 22-Feb 28, 2017: The Sufi education project
The Sufi education project was conducted at Üsküdar University, Istanbul. Kyoto University and The University of Tokyo sent a total of five graduate students and PhDs to take part in a prolonged, enthusiastic debate.
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October 24-25, 2016: A symposium to celebrate the Center was held at Üsküdar University, Istanbul.
A symposium to celebrate the Center was held at Üsküdar University, Istanbul. This was the start of “The Bridge of Two Easts: Education Program for Sufi Culture,” a Sufi education project that will continue into the following year. Presentations were given from the Japanese side by Yasushi Tonaga, Director of the Kenan Rifai Center; Masayuki Akahori, Professor at Sophia University; and Maruyama Daisuke, Associate Professor at the National Defense Academy of Japan.
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The symposium also appeared in Turkish news
October 2016: Bibliography of Sufism, Tariqa, and Saint Cult Studies in Japan
March 8, 2016: Turkey delegation visited
Four members of the Turkey delegation visited the Head Quarter of Kyoto University
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March 6, 2016: Opening ceremony of the Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies
A delegation of fifty people came to Japan to attend the Center’s opening ceremony at Kyoto University. The ceremony was attended by Ahmet Bulent Meric, Turkish Ambassador to Japan, and Kayo Inaba, Executive Vice-President for International Affairs at Kyoto University.
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