The 1st Research Meeting (2024) of “Research on Moderate Islam in the Non-Arab World” was held

The 1st  Research Meeting (2024) of “Research on Moderate Islam in the Non-Arab World: From the Cases of Indonesia, Pakistan and Turkey (22H00034, JSPS)” (“Moderate Islam”) was held as follows:

Date: May 25th Sunday, 2024, 13:00-17:00
Venue: Lecture Room [AA401], 4th floor, Research Bldg. No. 2, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University

1. Meeting about Field Research in Pakistan
2. Rethinking the Concept of “Moderate Islam”
3. Presentation
UCHIYAMA Chie (Sophia University)
Reconstructing the “Islamic Sphere” of Senegal without a Salafi-Sufi Dichotomy: The Case of Islamic Education