Academic Year 2018 3rd KR Seminar was held

Date: 15:00-17:00 on 6th December, 2018

Speaker: Nile GREEN (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA)

Title: “From Sufi Establishment to Salafi Reform: Reflections on Writing a History of Sufism”

Venue: Research Building No. 2, 4th Floor, Lecture Room (AA401)

Language: English

This seminar was held under the auspices of Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University(KR); Center for Islamic Area Studies, Kyoto University (KIAS); Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University (SIAS);Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) “Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex” (JSPS, Kyoto University); and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) “Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Holy Relics in the Mediterranean World” (JSPS, Sophia University).