July 18-20, 2018 KR members made research presentations at WOCMES-5

On July 16th to 20th, Fifth World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES-5) was held in Sevilla, Spain and Senior researchers from our center made research presentations internationally.

July 18th

PA-135. Rethinking the Relationship between Batin and Zahir: From the Perspective of Sufism and Fiqh. Organised by MARUYAMA Daisuke, National Defense Academy of Japan

Speaker Title
MARUYAMA Daisuke The Connotation of Batin and Zahir in the Context of Sufism: A Case Study of Contemporary Sudan
INOUE Kie The Understanding of Zahir in Iranian Sufism

PA-174. Reframing the Past: Gender Questions and Islamic Traditions in the Modern Era. Organized by GOTO Emi, the University of Tokyo

Speaker Title
TAKAHASHI Kei Between Norm and Practice: Neo-Traditionalist Discourses on Gender in the United States
SAWAI Makoto The Disappearance between Man and Woman: The Sufi View on Human Existence
SAWAI Makoto

PA-187.Religious Practices Using Commodities in Consumer Societies. Organized by FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro, St. Agnes’ University

Speaker Title
FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro Qur’anic Commodities in Ordinary Muslims’ Space: Focusing on Interior Ornaments and Calenders in Tunisia’
KOMAKI Sachiyo The Cult of Islamic Relics and the Religious Goods in Contemporary India

July 19th

PA-241. Visits to Saintly Places in the Age of Globalization. Organized by AKAHORI Masayuki, Sophia University

Speaker Title
TONAGA Yasushi Theoretical Basis for the Visit to the Saints’ Places in the Islamic Thought
YASUDA Shin Remembrance at Holy Places: Religious Capital and Shi’ite Religious Places in Syria in the Era of Crisis

July 20th

PA-339. A Reconsideration of Public Spheres from a Grass-root Perspective– Historical and Contemporary Approaches. Organized by IWASAKI Erina, Sophia University

Speaker Title
KISAICHI Masatoshi The Zawiya as an Ahylum in Medieval Magherb – A Reconsideration of the Public Sphere within an Islamic
KISAICHI Masatoshi


July 16-24, 2018 Field Research in Spain was conducted

Field Research was conducted mainly at Santiago de Compostela in Spain. For the comparison of Saint Veneration and Pilgrimage in Islam and Christianity, the research party investigated at Santiago de Compostela Cathedral and the old town.

Santiago de Compostela Cathedral

The remain of Saint James is enshrined
and many pilgrims visit here.
At the Cathedral, there is a big thurible
called “Botafumeiro”, which is thisplace’s specialty.

An apparel shop at Santiago de Compostela

In pilgrimage at Santiago de Compostela,
scallops are important as its symbol.
Pilgrims attach shells of scallops to walking sticks,
and all over the Cathedral is decorated with shells of scallops.
At the shop, T-shirts and accessories
with shells of scallop motif are sold.

Traditional dance at Saint James Festival

Saint James Festival is held throughout
the town once a year and pilgrims visit
more than usual. Music and dance in
Galicia’s traditional costumes take place
around the Cathedral and floatsare paraded
through the town. We can see scenes similar
to Mawlid in Islam.

May 15, 2018 Academic Year 2018 2nd KR Seminar was held

Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University co-hosted Academic Year 2018 2nd KR Seminar with Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS Program“Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism-Tariqa-Saint Cults Complex”.

Date: May 15, Tuesday
Venue: Lecture Room no. 1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Bldg. No. 2, Kyoto University
Language: English
Speakers and Titles: Prof. Sajjad Rizvi(University of Exeter)
“The Mysticism Debate in Modern Iran: Sufism, Irfan and the Shii Seminary”

April 15, 2018 Academic Year 2018 1st KR Seminar was held

Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University co-hosted Academic Year 2018 1st KR Seminar with Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS), Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS Program“Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism-Tariqa-Saint Cults Complex” and Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS Program “Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World”.

Date: 15 April, Sun., 2:00-6:00 p.m.
Venue: Lecture Room no. 1 (AA401), 4th Floor, Research Bldg. No. 2, Kyoto University
Language: English

Speakers and Titles:
Prof. Ahmed Zildzic (Sarajevo University)
“Ottoman Historiography in Persian with a Focus on Bahjatu-t-tevarih by Shukrullah”
Prof. Roberto Tottoli (Universita degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, University of Tokyo)
“Europe and Islam: The Arabic Text of Qur’an in History and Polemics in the 16th and 17th Century”







February 24, 2018 KIAS-IMS Seventh Joint Seminar “Exploring Culture and Politics in the Mediterranean World” was held

Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS) and Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies co-hosted KIAS-IMS Seventh Joint Seminar “Exploring Culture and Politics in the Mediterranean World” with Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), and Kenan Rifai Center forSufi Studies, Kyoto University as below.

Date:February 24, Saturday, 2018 14:30-18:15
Venue: Conference room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Bldg. No.2, Kyoto University

Opening Session (14:30-14:50)
Chair: FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Visiting Associate Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)

TONAGA Yasushi (Director, Center for Islamic Area Studies, Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
“Welcome Speech”

Yong Soo YOON (Director, Institute for Mediterranean Studies)
“Greeting Speech”

Session 1 (14:50-16:20)
Chair: Byoung Joo HAH (Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)

YAMAMOTO Naoki (Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate School of Asian and Area Studies)
“Sharia/Haqiqa Dichotomy among Sufis and Kadizadelis during Ottoman Period”

Yong Soo YOON (Director, Institute for Mediterranean Studies) & Jung Ha KIM (Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
“Types of Cultural Exchange in the Mediterraneanistic Multiculturalism”

Session 2 (16:30-18:00)
Chair: Choonsik CHOI (Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)

Ji Hun KANG (Research Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
“A Study on Information Technology Utilization for Education of Overseas Area Culture”

OKABE Yuki (Graduate Student, Graduate School of Asian and Area Studies)
“Reconsidering Power Sharing Regimes and Civil Wars in Lebanon and Syria”

Sang Ho MOON (Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Busan University of Foreign Studies) & Dong Yeol LEE (Research Professor, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Busan University of Foreign Studies)
“GIS based Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Analysis”

Closing Session (18:00-18:15)
Chair: TONAGA Yasushi (Director, Center for Islamic Area Studies, Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)

KOSUGI Yasushi (Director, Hadhari Center for Islamic Civilizational Studies, Kyoto University; Professor, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies)
“Closing Remarks”

Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University(KIAS)
Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University
Kenan Rifai Center forSufi Studies, Kyoto University
Institute for Mediterranean Studies (IMS), Busan University of Foreign Studies


January 21-22, 2018 SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar was held

Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University co-hosted SIAS/KIAS-CNRS Joint Seminar 2018 “Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Other Related Subjects” with Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University (KIAS)and Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University(SIAS)as below.

Date: January 21-22, 2018
Venue: Toyo University Atami Training Center


January 21: 13:00-18:00
(13:00-13:15) Opening Remarks: TONAGA Yasushi (KIAS, Kyoto University)

Part 1: Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Related Subjects

(13:15-13:50) Pierre-Jean LUIZARD (EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“Damascus and Cairo: Two Heads of Hussein for Two Kinds of Worship”

(13:50-14:15) KONDO Fumiya (Ph.D. student, SGPAS, Sophia University)
“Mawlid Dolls of Egypt in Terms of “Religious Commodities”: A Preliminary Study”

(14:15-14:50) Thierry ZARCONE (EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“Qadamgah and Mausoleums Associated with Relics of Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib in the Indo-Turko-Persian Area”

(15:00-15:35) NINOMIYA Ayako (Aoyama Gakuin University)
“Qadam-i Sharif, Mecca and Delhi: Story of a Sufi and Footprints of the Prophet Muhammad in Medieval India”

(15:35-16:10) Alexandre PAPAS (CNRS-CETOBAC)
“Kashkul: Practical Uses and Doctrinal Meanings of a Sufi Relic”

(16:10-16:45) TAKAHASHI Kei (JSPS Research Fellow-RPD)
“Sufism without Tariqa: The Emergence of Muslim Third Places in the Contemporary American Muslim Community”

Part 2: Graduate Student Presentations 1

(17:00-17:30) ISHIKAWA Kido (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“The Mode of Expression of the Love in the Works of Baba Tahir”

(17:30-18:00) SUENO Takanori (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“Ibrahim Niyas’s on Sufism: From a Perspective as a Shari‘a Oriented Sufi”

January 22: 9:00-12:00
Part 3: Graduate Student Presentations 2

(9:00-9:30) YAMAZAKI Satoru (Ph.D. student, ASAFAS, Kyoto University)
“Syrian Civil War, Sectarianism, and the Turkish Arab `Alawis’ Struggle for Recognition”

(9:30-10:00) Kamnoush KHOSROVANI (Ph.D. student, EPHE-CNRS GSRL)
“On the Path of an Exuberant Sufi Practice: An Anthropological Study of the Contemporary Female Qaderi Groups in Tehran”

Part 4: Holy Relics and Religious Commodities in Islam + Related Subjects 2

(10:10-10:45) FUTATSUYAMA Tatsuro (Research Associate of the NIHU/KIAS, Kyoto University)
“Qur’anic Interior Ornaments in Ordinary Muslims’ Space: From the Case of South Tunisia”

(10:45-11:20) YASUDA Shin (Teikyo University)
“Commodifying Religious Experiences: Islamic Tour Operators and Religious Markets in Indonesia”

(11:20-11:50) General Comments: Pierre-Jean LUIZARD, Alexandre PAPAS, and Thierry ZARCONE

(11:50-12:00) Closing Remarks: AKAHORI Masayuki (SIAS, Sophia University)

Thierry ZARCONE, TONAGA Yasushi, MISAWA Nobuo (Faculty of Social Sciences, Toyo University), AKAHORI Masayuki

Sponsoring Institutes and Research Projects:
Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Groupe Societes, Religions, Laicites
Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University(KIAS)
Center for Islamic Studies at Sophia University (SIAS)
NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS Program “Structural Comprehension of Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex”
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS Program “Anthropological Studies on Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World”
Sophia University Special Grant for Academic Research Program (Research in Priority Areas) “Comparative Area Studies on Conflicts, Interactions, and Reconciliations between Islam and Other Religions Including Christianity”

NIHU=National Institute of Humanities
ASAFAS=Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
SGPAS=Sophia Graduate Program for Area Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies, Sophia University


December 10, 2017 Murat Mercan Turkish new Ambassador visited the Center

Ambassador Murat Mercan who assumed his duty as Turkish Ambassador in Tokyo in mid November visited the Center with his wife and Mr.Hussein Tuna(Director of the Yunus Emre Institute in Tokyo). After the introduction of the research and publication activities of the Center, discussion on further promotion for academic and cultural exchange was made.

November 11- 12, 2017 Sufism / Saint Veneration Research Convention was held

Sufism / Saint Veneration Research Convention was held as below.

Date: November 11, Saturday 13:30- 12, Sunday 12:00
Venue: KKR Izu Nagaoka Chitosesou recreation center

November 11, Saturday, 1st day
13:30-13:45  Opening speech, self introduction

13:45-15:30  Research presentation SAWAI Makoto (Kyoto University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science PD)
“Modern Period of Islamic Mystical Thought ―Focused on Mohammed Abduh’s Reform Thought―”

15:45-17:30  Research presentation TAKAHASHI Kei(Sophia University, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science RPD)
”Sufism and Muslim Communities in Contemporary America ―Rise and the Background of “Traditional Islamic” Movement―”

17:30-18:00  Report of cooperative research in Italy KOMAKI Sachiyo(Takasaki City University of Economics)

November 12, Sunday, 2nd day
9:30-10:30 Book Review 1 TAKAO Ken’ichiro(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies PD) Book Review of The Sufi Orders in Islam, “The Formation of Schools of Mysticism” (first chapter)

10:30-11:30 Book Review 2 FUJII Chiaki(Kyoto University)

Book Review of The Sufi Orders in Islam, “The Chief Tariqa Lines” (second chapter)

11:30-11:45 Closing remarks

This convention was co-hosted with projects below.
・Kenan Rifai Center for Sufi Studies, Kyoto University
・NIHU Area Studies Project for the Modern Middle East, Center for Islamic     
Studies at Sophia University, Center for Islamic Area Studies at Kyoto University
・Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), JSPS Program “Structural Comprehension of
Islamic Mysticism: Investigation into Sufism, Tariqa, Saint Cults Complex”
・Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), JSPS Program “Anthropological Studies on
Veneration of Saints and Relics in the Mediterranean World”
・Sophia University Special Grant for Academic Research Program (Research in Priority Areas)
“Comparative Area Studies on Conflicts, Interactions, and Reconciliations between Islam and Other Religions Including Christianity”


July 23, 2017 Academic year 2017 1st Sufism / Saint Veneration research meeting was held

Academic year 2017  1st Sufism / Saint Veneration research meeting was held as below.

Date: July 23rd, 2017 12:30-18:15
Venue: Conference room (AA447), 4th Floor, Research Bldg. No.2, Kyoto University


12:30-13:30 Overview of Research in Italy FUJIWARA Kuniko

13:45-15:15 Research presentation 1  ISHIKAWA Kido
“Translation of Poetic Language in The CONFERENCE of the BIRDS by Attar -Using Literary Theory-”

15:30-17:00 Research presentation 2  IKEBE Tomoki
“Doctrine of Labor and Practice- Collective Bayefall of Mouride in Senegal”

17:15-18:15 Discussion for Activity schedule in academic year 2017(Conference, workshop, WOCMES-, etc.)